Saturday, 31 December 2016

CALL CARD VOUCHER (Recharge Card Printing)

Equipment needed for the business
  • A computer system (desktop/Laptop)
  •    Internet connection 
  • Email address • 
  • Black & white printer (LaserJet printer) 
  • Pre-printed background paper (MTN, Airtel, Glo, Etisalat, etc.)

   Customize paper with a name on A4 paper
   Insert your name
  Don’t print your registered company name on the background paper.
         You will need to buy PIN
         You pay for PIN & Serial Number
         The PIN is sent to your email address
         You are not expected to do the business in cyber cafĂ©
         You buy the PIN from a dealer.
         Registration with a dealer is free
         The requirement from a dealer is that you will have to install their software

         The software performs the following functions:
        Arrangement of the PIN on the paper (i.e. the software separate the PIN and the Serial No.)
        It serves as security to the PIN (it decripts/unlock the PIN)
         Always download on any removable disk

         Software from Easy Brothers cost N15,000.00 to print all the GSM vouchers except Multilinks and Visafone
         The software is meant for one PC
         There are 3 types of Account
1.     Retailer
2.     Distributor
3.     Sub-dealer
         No fixed price on the PINs, call for current price


Word Processor

A Word Processor is application software that helps in creating a document. It helps effortlessly change the way a document looks.  It makes it easier to present ideas in a coherent manner.

The need for Word Processors

Preferred Communication is Written Communication. Written text such as: Letter, Memo, Report are collectively referred to as Documents. Word processors allow typing text, making corrections without retyping the entire matter and there are built-in features to make the text look attractive.

Features of Word Processors

Word Processing is the processing of manipulating character to generate words, sentence, paragraph, document and so no.

Word Processors allow you to read and revise a document on screen, change the formatting to get the desired visual effect, Increase productivity by automating, produce as many copies as needed and save a document and work on it later.

Different Word Processing Packages

Many word processing packages exist among which are; Microsoft Word, Word Star, WordPerfect, Lotus Notes, Perfect Writer, Professional Write, Shakespeare, etc. but here we are dealing with Microsoft Word.

Creating a Document

Click on Start Menu, All Programs, Microsoft Office and then Microsoft Word or better still just click on the short cut icon on the desktop if it has been created or that pined to the Start Menu.

Microsoft Word (Ms Word) is a word processing Application specially designed for text-based documents. It is an electronic equivalent of typewriter, paper, pen, eraser and even thesaurus (dictionary) as it is capable of finding and correcting spellings.

Word simplifies the tasks associated with editing documents, deleting text, inserting new text and document formatting.

Before you learn how to use Microsoft Word, you should know to open (load) and close (Exit) the application that is if you have Ms Word already installed on the system. To Start Microsoft Word, follow the steps below depending on the setting

If Word ICON is present on the Desktop
Place the cursor on the ‘MICROSOFT WORD ICON’ on the Desktop or Double on ‘MS WORD ICON’ or Click on ‘OPEN’ in the dialog displayed as you wait for it to load.
Go Through START Menu
Click on ‘START’ menu on the horizontal bar lying below the screen
Place your mouse pointer/cursor on ‘ALL PROGRAMS’
Place your cursor on ‘MICROSOFT OFFICE’ and pause
Click on ‘MICROSOFT OFFICE WORD’ from the list provided. Using either of the methods above, Ms Word will start executing and the splash screen will appear as you wait for it to load to the Ms Window.

1.            TITLE BAR: This is where the program title (Ms Word) displays on the screen. It also contains ‘MINIMIZE’, ‘MAXIMIZE’ and ‘CLOSE’ all at the right end of the title bar.
2.            MENU BAR: This is the bar where you can make several commands by clicking on the Menus in the bar. These menus have sub-menu like ‘FILE’, ‘EDIT’, ‘VIEW’, ‘INSERT’, ‘FORMAT’, ‘TOOL’, ‘TABLE’, etc.
3.            TOOL BAR: This is the next bar to the Menu bar on the screen as well known as ‘STANDARD BAR’ containing icons that help in making word processing easy with the commands. In order to identify the command they represents, place the mouse pointer directly over each icon and then pause to see what the icon stands for.
4.            SCROLL BAR: This is the vertical bar on the right side of the screen meeting with the Status bar below the Ms Word Window.
Others are;
5.            The Rulers
6.            Document Window
7.            Minimize Button
8.            Restore/Maximize Button
9.            Close Button
10.        Status Bar

The Shift-Key in Word Processing, using Microsoft Word
Press and hold the Shift key when you want to select by typing from the two functions written on the same key on your keyboard or if you want to enter a capital when needed.

Click on ‘FILE’ in the Menu bar
Click on ‘SAVE’ a space for name of document will appear then you choose which drive to save your work into after naming, always create new documents under free name.

Keyboard Shortcuts are used in order to save time and as well makes your work easier and faster. The first twenty-six (26) keyboard shortcuts are;
Control + A:                   Select All/Highlight All
Control + B:                   Bold
Control + C:                   Copy
Control + D:                  Font Menu/Duplicate Object
Control + E:                   Centralized Text
Control + F:                    Find
Control + G:                  Go-To
Control + H:                  Replace
Control + I:                     Italic/Slat Form
Control + J:                    Justify Text
Control + K:                  Insert Hyperlink
Control + L:                   Align Left
Control + M:                Indent (Specify Line/Paragraphing)
Control + N:                  New Page
Control + O:                  Open Existing File
Control + P:                    Print Document
Control + Q:                  Close for Internet Window
Control + R:                  Align Right
Control + S:                    Save New Document
Control + T:                   Ruler Adjustment
Control + U:                   Underline
Control + V:                   Paste
Control + W:                 Close Active Window
Control + X:                   Cut
Control + Y:                   Re-Do Action
Control + Z:                    Un-Do Action

Control + F2:              -           For Print Preview
Alt + F4:                     -           Close Active Window/Shut Down when desktop
Alt + F:                       -           Open File Menu
Alt + E:                       -           Open Edit Menu
Alt + V:                       -           Open View Menu
Alt + I:                        -           Open Insert Menu
Alt + O:                       -           Open Format Menu
Alt + T:                       -           Open Tools Menu
Alt + A:                       -           Open Table Menu
Alt + W:                      -           Open Window Menu
Alt + H:                       -           Open Help Menu
Control + ]:                 -           Increase Font Size
Control + [:                 -           Decrease Font size
Control + ‘+’:             -           Sub-Script
Control + End Key:    -           Go-to end of the page
Control + Home Key:            Go-to beginning of the page
Control + Shift + D:   -           Double Underline
Shift + F3:                   -           Change text case
Shift + Arrow Right:              Highlight Rightward
Shift + Arrow Left:                 Highlight Leftward
Control + Shift + A     -           Change all highlighted text to capital letters

To control the line space, you will firstly highlight the text and Right Click on the Highlighted text then a dialog box display and then choose ‘PARAGRAPH’ from the options provided and another dialog box will be displayed with many options as well you will then go to line space to make your choice varying from single line to multiple where you will have to state the number of your choice. Keyboard Shortcuts to some line space are as follows;
Control + O:   Add or Remove one Line Space
Control + 1:    Single Line Space
Control + 2:    Double Line Space
Control + 5:    One and a Half (1.5) Line Space

These enable the User to place the typed text on the Left OR Right, Center OR Justify them. To perform any of these action firstly;
Highlight the text
Click on Format in the Menu bar
Then Click on Paragraph, a dialog box will be displayed and from the options displayed, you will see ‘Alignment’ and from them make your choice.
Highlight the text and use the Keyboard Shortcuts, either Control E, L, J or R depending on what you need.

Alignment of lines for written text is the most important convention followed;

When a line is justified, word automatically spaces the words so that each line starts and ends one below the other.

This shows you how exactly your work will like look after printing. Before think of this you must have be through with the document that typing, editing and setting paper size and margins and then
Click on File on the Menu bar
Click on Print Preview and you are satisfied close the Preview to go back to the Print Layout.
Print Preview

Print Preview Toolbar

Print Dialog Box

Use the Keyboard shortcut to save much of your time that is
Control + F2:              For Print Preview and
Control + W:              To close the Print Preview Window

One can scroll through a document in many ways depending on the volume of pages available some of the ways are;
Click on the Up and Down Arrow Key on the Keyboard.
Press the Page-Up and Page-Down on your Keyboard.
Press and hold down your mouse on the scroll bar by the left side of the window.
These commands enable one to customize some text that cannot be typed directly from the Keyboard e.g. Log10, X2, 5/2 or N, for Naira sign;
Type the letter ‘N’ thereafter Highlight the letter ‘N
Click on Format in menu bar and then Click on Font (the keyboard shortcut for the two is Control + D) a dialog box displays, thereafter
Click on Double Strikethrough and ‘OK’, for Superscript and Subscript, follow the same steps and click on Superscript and Subscript respectively.

One can modify his/her text to one’s desire by applying some commands which enable him/her to alter the default setting of the system. These steps can be followed;
Font Dialog Box

This is a command which allows one to give the type document different effect by changing the outlook.
v     Highlight the letter(s), word(s) or the text(s) you wish to change.
v     Click on ‘FORMAT’ menu in menu bar and click on ‘FONT’ from then you can change font name, size and style that is putting it in ‘BOLD’ ‘ITALIC’ ‘UNDERLINE’ as well all these can be done by using the Keyboard Shortcuts or locating the shortcuts on the ‘STANDARD’ bar.

Enhancing the Fonts
To make the text look more emphasized, make the text as Bold. Click on   after selection of the texts to bold.
Text can also be made Italic. Click on   after selection of the texts to italize.
Important text can be underlined, where different line formats can also be applied. Click on  after selection of the texts to underlined.

Smart Tags

Smart tags identify specific type of data. Click on Tools ® Autocorrect options.
Click on the tab of Smart Tags.

Line spacing is the space between a line of text and another, to change yours from the default setting all you need to do is click on the drop-down arrow of Line Spacing button on the Tools bar and select either 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 or 3 depending on what need. You can follow the step use on setting line spacing done earlier.

The bullets are the black circular spots used to indicate each step in a textbook as used in this. To use any;
Click on where you want to start bulleting
Click on Format in the Menu bar
Click on Bullets and Numbering (dialog box displays)
Click on Bullets button in the dialog box
Select your choice of bullet by clicking on any of the boxes that displays style and then click on Ok

Incase you want to use numbers instead of bullets, just click on Number button in dialog box.
Pressing ‘ENTER’ key on the keyboard after a text automatically continues the bulleting or numbering.

This enables you to add units and mathematical symbols to your text for instance ≤, ≥, ÷, l, p, ĂĄ, etc.
Click on the point you wish to place the symbol
Click on Insert in the Menu bar
Click on Symbol (dialog box displays)
Use the dialog box to select the symbol you need and click on insert and after that click Ok button.
Copy commands will duplicate an object/text without changing the original one which cut commands will move the original text from its original place to a new place. To copy a text firstly,
Highlight the text
Press and hold the left button of your mouse on the text and then drag it to where you want to place the text and then release the button.

Highlight the text
Right click on the highlighted text (dialog box displays)
Click on copy
Click on where you want it to be placed and
Right click (dialog box displays)
Click on paste

Also you can edit by dragging and dropping.
Redo and Undo

UNDO negates the last action while REDO repeats the last action.



KEYBOARD SHORTCUT: Highlight the text after that press and hold down Control key and press ‘C’ and place your cursor in the new location and after placing the cursor press and hold down the Control key and press ‘V’.

This command is used when you have two or more pages of typed documents that you wish to differentiate them by its numbers, to insert this;
Click Insert in the Menu bar
Click page Number (dialog box displays)
Click on the drop-down arrow to select from the option under position where you wish to place the numbering, it can be either Bottom of Page (Footer) or Top of Page (Header).

Click on Format in the Menu bar
Click on Borders and Shading (dialog box appears with Border, Page Borders and Shading Buttons)
Click on Page Border
Click on Shadow or Box under setting
Click on the up and down arrow of the scroll bar to view various kinds of styles
Click on your choice of style and Apply
Click on the drop-down arrow under ‘APPLY TO
Click on ‘THIS SECTION’ –First page only

Page Border Dialog Box

Borders Dialog Box

Shading Dialog Box

These enable you to write either at the top or bottom of typed document for identification. To do these,
Click on view in the Menu bar
Click on Header and Footer (Header and Footer toolbar displays)
Type your text in the space provided at the top of the page for Header or scroll down to the bottom pf the page to type in the space provided for the Footer.

Header & Footer Toolbar

NOTE: The toolbar displayed can be used to Format, Insert Page Number, Date, Time, etc as Header or Footer.
Clicking on the buttons that represents these commands automatically carries out the task after which you click on close button in the Header and Footer Toolbar.
Where the document contains many Pages, Header and Footer will automatically insert the text on all the Pages contained therein.

For the purpose of different works and selection of paper size and setting of margin are of highly important, to achieve these, the following steps are to be followed;
Click in File in the Menu bar
Click on Page Setup (dialog box displays Margin, Page, Layout, Portrait and Landscape)
To set margin
Click on Margin
Make your selections under Top, Left, Bottom and Right using the Up and Down arrows under each. When setting Margin for more than one page, select how you want it to look like after printing under Page and preview under Print Preview.

Landscape and Portrait
The upright/vertical display of one’s work on a paper is known as Portrait which the horizontal display is known as Landscape

Different Orientations

Page Layout Options

Click on Table in the Menu bar, place your cursor in Insert and pause
Click on Table in the next characters displayed, type the number of columns and rows you need in the dialog box displayed
Click on the arrows in front of Number of rows/columns buttons to select the number.
Click Ok
How to increase the number of columns after drawing your Table
Click on the last row of the Table and press the ‘TAB’ key to insert columns automatically until you have the required number needed.
How to delete a Table
Highlight the part you want to remove
Click on Table on the Menu bar
Click on Table
A single rectangle or square in a table is called CELL. You can add to cells, split cells and merge cells as you wish.
How to select Cell
Place your mouse pointer at the middle of the left side of the cell ensure that the pointer changes to a black solid arrow and then click.
How to select Cells in a row
Press and hold down your mouse pointer on the first cell and drag rightward to select.
How to Add Cells
Click on the cell next to where you want to insert new cell(s)
Click on Table in the Menu bar
Place your mouse pointer on insert and pause
Click on cell from the characters displayed (dialog box appears)
Click on Shift cell right, Shift cell left, Insert entire row or Insert entire column depending on what you need.
Click Ok
How to enter data in a Table
As we type in Ms Word Window, place your cursor on the cell and enter your text, you can either use the ‘TAB’ key or arrow key to move to the next row/column.
How to create/draw Chart in Ms Word
Data can be represented on Charts in Ms Words as done in Mathematics and Economics for rate of occurrence in event.
Select the Table after typing your information
Click on Insert in the Menu bar
Place your mouse pointer on picture
Click on Chart from characters displayed
Sorting of information in Ms Word
You can arrange your entries in a well organized manner either in ascending or descending order.
Highlight the Table
Click on Table in Menu bar
Click on sort from the characters displayed (dialog box display)
Click on either Ascending or Descending order
Click Ok

Inserting Text Boxes
Text box is a movable, resizable container for text or graphics. It is used to add text or graphics. Click on Text Box icon on Drawing toolbar. It can be resized with the help of sizing handles, can be dragged to different locations.

Working with WordArt, ClipArt and Autoshapes in Ms Word, these commands are used for artistic text, pictures and shapes.
Click on Insert in the Menu bar, Place your cursor on picture
Click on WordArt from the characters displayed
Select a WordArt style of your choice form the list
Click Ok
Type your word/text e.g. ‘COMPUTER’.
Click Ok

WordArt Text
COMPUTERClick on the text typed, place your mouse pointer on any of the bullets surrounding the text and drag the mouse to modify by increasing or decreasing the size.


            WordArt Text Resizing (Decreasing and Increasing)
WordArt Shape
This command is used for automatic modification of ‘WordArt’ text
Click on the WordArt text
Click on ‘WordArt Shape’ button in the ‘WordArt’ toolbar

FIG 2.3:          WordArt Text Shape

This command is used to place or insert object into a typed document, for example as we are discussing about computer, we can use this to import Computer as a figurative reference;
Click on Insert in the Menu bar
Place your cursor on Picture
Click on ClipArt
Click on the Space under search for type the category name of what you need e.g. Computer
Click ‘GO

ClipArt Object
This command can be used to place signal in addition to the text in order to pass complete information.
Click in Insert in the menu bar
Place your cursor on Picture
Click on AutoShapes (AutoShapes Toolbar displays)
These represents lines, connector, basic shapes, block arrows, flowchart, stars, and many more
Clicking on any button will display all the shapes contained in them
Click on the space created for the drawing, press and drag system on the circular spots/bullets surrounding the shape to enlarge it and press and hold down your mouse pointer and drag to move it to your place of choice.

FIG 2.5:          AutoShapes Object (Ribbon)
You can design logo, cover pages of a book and several other things using Ms Word. The major requirement for this is the drawing toolbar.
How to design in Ms Word
Firstly, Right click in the toolbar
Click on Drawing from the characters displayed
Click on ‘SUN’ or any other shape
Click on the space created for the drawing of the shape
Press and drag your left mouse button on the bullets surrounding the shape created to either enlarge or decrease
Click on the drop down arrow of the Fill Colour Icon in the toolbar (you can either choose your colour click on more Fill Colours in the Colour Chart displayed in order to customize your shape)


FIG 2.6:          AutoShapes Object (Sun)
Where you wish to use more than a colour
Click on Fill Effects in the colour chart
Click on gradient button in the dialog box displayed
Click on two colours button, select colour 1 and colour 2 by using the down arrows in their respective space
Click on any style of shading under shading styles
Click Ok

FIG 2.7:          AutoShapes Object (Sun with different Colour)
Right click in the shape created
Click on Add Text
Enter your text, Format it and reposition it as you wish.
Cloud Callout: Better Nigeria is ahead

FIG 2.7:          AutoShapes Object (with text in it)
Highlight the text typed
Cloud Callout: BETTER 
Is AheadClick on the drop-down arrow of Font color in the Drawing Toolbar and select.

FIG 2.8:          AutoShapes Object (with text in it)

Switching between two or more open files
Two or more word documents can be opened at a given time. To switch between the two of them, click on Window option on the main menu.  From the list of the names of the files, click on the file name you want to view.

Zoom Options

Office Assistant
When you have a question about a Microsoft Office feature, you can ask the Office Assistant.  It provides Help topics and tips on tasks you perform. If the Assistant is not visible, click on ‘Show the Office Assistant’ in the Help menu.

Word Count
Indicates the word count in a current document, to carry it out Click on View ==> Toolbars ==> Word Count. To Recount, click on Recount button anytime.